Welcome to My Council!

Find information relevant to you. Input your postcode to find information and services specific to where you live or work. A drop down list will appear as you start to type with a list of properties for that postcode. Don't worry if it complains that it can't find anything when you start - the more of the postcode you enter the more accurate the result. Click the 'Reset' button if you want to start a new search.

My House

Find out information specific to where you live, including school catchment areas, your ward, local councillors and other property specific information around your address.

My Nearest

Find your nearest health services (including doctors, dentists and pharmacies) and council services (including schools, parks, libraries and recycling) and much more. For information about Planning Applications please click here.

My Maps

See what's local with My Maps, decide what items you want to see and flag those nearest to you.


North East Lincolnshire Council provides this service for information purposes only. While every attempt has been made to present up to date and accurate information of the highest quality, we cannot be held responsible for the misuse or misinterpretation of any information and offer no warranty to its accuracy or completeness. The council accepts no liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on this information.

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